"Tits and Clits" Comics

(I don't feel comfortable putting any visuals from these comics so I'll just leave this censor bar here) 

Not even sure where to start with this one! 

I guess I'll like to state that the goal and purpose of these comics, and I quote, "to focus on sexuality from a female perspective" is totally fine by me. At a time when the comics industry was filled with male-dominated stories that would lean on the misogynistic side, it's great to see there were underground comics willing to create stories like these where women have a say on what's being told about them. So yes, the origins and reasoning for the comics are completely understandable and justified. I guess I just have a problem with SOME of the stories being told. 

From the title alone, I knew this would be an interesting read from the very beginning, but I was NOT prepared for the amount of nudity I was about to see! 

I liked the freedom of the writers and illustrators to be open to write overly-exaggerated tales about women's sexuality and their desires. The kind of desires that would be considered taboo to talk about back in the 70s: self-pleasure, homosexuality and even the mere honesty of liking to have sex! Again, that's all fine by me. The one main thing I was not supportive of was the various mentions of sexual assault and how unconcerned the topic seemed to be. I guess it's a difference of the times, but as someone who was born into a Hispanic, catholic family, it's shocking to me that such topic is mentioned, and even worst, mentioned so lightly

In the stories "I was a Sex Junkie" and "Rufus and the Rapist", sexual assault  is mentioned and it's not taken as seriously as I would expect. It's stated as something that "just happens" rather than something that should be fixed. Maybe that's the point. To make a statement that in general such topic is NOT being taken into consideration. Nevertheless, as a young woman, I think it's a little insensitive. But then again, this comic might be doing it on purpose and I just don't find it as comical. I enjoyed stories like "Out of the Closet and Into the Frying Pan" and "Monogamy" because they were purposely funny and touched less controversial topics. When it comes to sexual harassment, though, that's where I draw the line. 

I do want to give it another try, but I'll probably just ignore some that seem more inappropriate than others. 


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